August 2023 – March 2024 THE PROGRAMME WAS AS FOLLOWS August September October November December January  February March


    The editorial meetings were a continuation of ARAC’s Schoolbook Project, a series of five “exercises books”, namely: Provocations Book, Exercises Book, Glossaries Book, Images Book, and a Playlist Book. The five books aimed to make accessible the work that ARAC has done and the knowledge that ARAC has produced since 2015. ARAC’s Schoolbooks are an…

  • Photographic archives and nostalgia in Kinshasa

    Jean Kamba been active in the conception and execution of this research project through workshops and other activities including interviews with artists; Magloire Mpaka, Baudouin Bikoko and art critic Charles Tumba Kekwo etc. For more context on this timely project, you can read here and here. Interview with visual artist Magloire Mpaka Magloire Mpaka owns…

  • Members list

    On 2 January 2023, we bid farewell to Emma, the founder of ARAC and core of all our activities. Everyone who ever crossed with Emma can bare testimony to her brilliance, fore-sight, care and depth of knowledge. We have collectively agreed to carry on as ARAC without our anchor, trusting in her vision, the individual…

  • ARAC Publications

    This section covers a list of publications we have put together over the years. they include all of our Zines and articles shared with the publication from each time we have assembled together in a space collectively. Fins them at this link. Or if it easier, scan the QR code below

  • UN/CHRONO/LOGICAL TIMELINE is now available in German

    UN/CHRONO/LOGICAL TIMELINE is now available in German

    The Un/Chrono/Logical Timeline is an educational tool developed by intertwining hi/stories to engage with arts education histories and their global connections. It invites to learn, construct, deconstruct, criticize and question history in a participatory way. We are happy to announce that the UN/CHRONO/LOGICAL TIMELINE which so far has been in available in English, Spanisch and…


    Frise Chro_non_logique_GUIDE_DE_FABRICATION Published at: April 26, 2021 Frise Chro_non_logique_MODE_D_EMPLOI Published at: April 26, 2021 Un_Chrono_Logical_Timeline_ES Published at: April 26, 2021 Un_Chrono_Logical_Timeline_FR Published at: April 26, 2021


    If you have questions or inquiries about the cluster project INTERTWINING HI/STORIES or wish to contact us for any other reason, feel free to write an e-mail to Nora Landkammernora.landkammer@e-a-r.net

  • New publication: Art Education Research #15: intertwining hi/stories of arts education

    New publication: Art Education Research #15: intertwining hi/stories of arts education

    In June 2018 the Symposium intertwining hi/stories of arts education, organized by the Institute for Art Education at Zurich University of the Arts, took place at Shedhalle Zurich. The symposium focused on histories – in plural – of education in/through the arts. Researchers collaborating in the homonymous project as well as from ZhdK gave insights…