ARAC cairo working group COLONIALISM CRITICAL LITERACY intertwining hi/stories johannesburg working group kampala working group maseru working group Meetings and events nyanza working group un/chronological timeline Vienna
August 2023 – March 2024 THE PROGRAMME WAS AS FOLLOWS August September October November December January February March
Where we work from Our respective countries, environments, and disciplines, inform what we end up contributing to the collective. This is to say we are inspired and motivated by our societies and their politics, the spaces we occupy; the architecture and natural topography thereof, things both tangible and intangible and of course the conversations we…
“Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures”: A New Project for 2020
When the project “ Letters to/from Cairo, Dehli, Gwangju/Cologne, Johannesburg & Richmond: Letter writing as a technology of the past present and futures” started, the method was a meditation on “ Fantasy, Thought, Feeling and Speculation as Action” through a set/suite of questions, prompts and propositions: How do we, in the year 2020/10 or whenever…
ARAC Working Groups Contribute to the Another Roadmap School’s Multivocal Glossary of Arts Education (February 2019)
Since 2016, a core initiative within the Another Roadmap School has been to continuously work on a multivocal glossary of Arts Education . Participating working groups have selected terms especially relevant for analysis in relation to arts education in their context and written a “glossary entry” about them. These entries are discussed in videoconferences with…
Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) participation in the #Im4thearts Capacity Building Winter School (22-24 June 2020)
Formed in January 2020, #Im4theArts is an artist-led movement for the rights of all workers in the South African arts sector with 18,000 Facebook and 800 formally registered members that are working for accountability and economic sustainability in the creative sector. The #Im4theArts Winter School was a response to members’ needs for capacity-building. As part…
ARAC Partners with Arts Research Africa to Convene a Symposium on Artistic Education in Johannesburg (10-18 February 2020)
At the invitation of Arts Research Africa (a research initiative of the Wits School of the Arts, the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster (ARAC) convened a Symposium on Artistic Research in Africa that took place at Wits University, Keleketla! Library and other sites of knowledge production and speculation in Johannesburg, 10-18 February 2020. Another Roadmap for…
Johannesburg Working Group organises two further Iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline in April and May 2019
Two further iterations of the Un/chronological Timeline have taken place in Johannesburg – one at theSymposium ‘Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies’ at the Bag Factory and the other at Wits University Braamfontein Campus during Africa Month. 5-6 April 2019 Rorke’s Drift, Histories and Pedagogies: A symposium The Bag Factory Artists’ Studios, The Swedish Embassy in…
The Maseru Working Group contributes to the VANSA Organising Handbook (October 2018)
Lineo Segoete (Maseru) was invited by Visual Arts Network South Africa (VANSA) to attend a meeting of arts, cultural and arts educational peers from the region that eventually resulted in the creation of a handbook for ‘organising’. The book details some of the experiences of and strategies for organising that are currently adopted by arts…